Rhizobium containing bio-fertilizer.
RHIZO is based on a naturally occuring bacteria rhizobium. It habitat in the root nodules of the plants. Rhizobium forms symbiotic association with legume plants and fix the atmospheric nitrogen to the soil for healthy vigorous plant growth and increased yield. Enhances profuse root growth and development. It helps to regulate the activity of biological process in the plant & improves overall metabolism in plants. These changes help in the formation of food materials like carbohydrates, proteins etc. This results into chlorophyll synthesis, disease resistance & higher quality yields. This microbes helps in easy uptake of the minerals. Nitrogen (N) is most important plant nutrient. N is present in air but plants can‘t take it directly from the air. Application of nitrogen by chemical fertilizers have leaching problem as well as an adverse effect on soil health.
Mode of action
Nitrogen fixer in Rhizo stays in root nodule, assimilates atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to plant in the form of fixed nitrogen. This is done by symbiotic nitrogen fixation process.
Method of Use & Dose
Drenching (Fertigation/ Drip irrigation): Mix 5 ml Rhizo in 1 litre of water and drench in the root zone.
(2-3 lit/acre by drip irrigation system)
With compost : Mix 3 lit Rhizo in compost and spread over a one-acre area.
Seed Treatment : Use 25-50 ml Rhizo to coat 1 kg seed
Seedling treatment (Root dipping) : Mix 5 ml Rhizo in 1 litre of water and use this water for root dipping.
Avoid using under direct sunlight.
Avoid using alkaline or acidic pH products.
Do not use in combination with chemical pesticides and fertilizer